NDI IsoCorder™

Amplíe sus capacidades de grabación multicanal para capturar más producciones, archivos multimedia y material en bruto. NDI IsoCorder graba y codifica hasta 2 fuentes a formato QuickTime de alta calidad e incluye el control de audio estéreo.

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NewTek IsoCorderTM

Expand your multi-channel recording capabilities to capture more productions, media files, and raw footage with powerful source capture using NDI technology. Install this free app on any network-connected workstation for multi-channel ISO recording of NDI sources. NewTek IsoCorder encodes video in a high-quality QuickTime format that is universally compatible with practically any platform or application, and allows for virtually unlimited remote ISO recording with suitable storage media and capacity.

Rest easy knowing your shows and sources have been recorded and safely stored in high-quality formats that can be read by nearly any application as recorded video files.

NewTek IsoCorder supports capture and still image grabs of up to two NDI sources, and includes stereo audio control and independent or group control of recorders.

Simply fill out the form for access to the NewTek IsoCorder production application. You’ll receive a notice with a link to download the application, and will also receive valuable information via email as the NDI network continues to grow.

Minimum System Requirements:

  • 64-bit Microsoft® Windows 7 operating system (OS) or better
  • Intel i5 Sandy Bridge CPU or better with integrated GPU (NVIDIA discrete GPU, with 2GB video memory or better recommended)
  • 8GB system memory
  • Gigabit LAN connection for signal transmission over IP via NDI technology
  • Local, external or shared storage accommodating the desired number of recording channels and capacity (write speeds of 20 Mb/s per channel required; high-speed storage recommended)
  • Display with screen resolution of 1024 x 768 or higher

Faster CPU, additional memory, and larger GPU highly recommended for optimal performance.

FEATURE IsoCorder Pro IsoCorder
Recording Channels (maximum) 16 2
Single- and Multi-channel Recording Control Yes Yes
Audio I/O 8-Channel Stereo
Per-channel Audio Level Control Yes Yes
Headphone Audio Monitoring Yes Yes
Grab Stills Yes Yes
Dual-monitor Support Yes No
Waveform/Vectorscope Yes No
Color Correction Yes No
White Balance Yes No
Auto-Color Yes No
Overlays (VU’s, Title Safe, 4:3, Checkerboard Center Cross)

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